Joe Banez
O lugar para nós
First Visit
We found out about Anento in the summer of 2016. Once a family member took us there for an afternoon excursion. Driving from Monreal del Campo, we took A-23 freeway to Zaragoza and exited in Lechon and drove the back road to Anento. We saw the sign Castillo and took the road to this ruined castle, the only intact structure of this monument is the fortress. Coming here gave us a top view of the village and its surroundings - its vegetation, the canyons, the hills, and part of the village. Driving from a vast plain, we felt that we found a place that is special for us and that increased our appetite to find more about this place.
We drove down and parked in the public parking space right at the entrance of the village. We strolled in and silently passed the church and followed the sign aguallueve where we passed parcels of orchards. We carried on walking onto the vegetation and passed the stairs heading up to the castle. Along the way, we ran into a old couple sitting at the picnic area; they were holding water container, gave us a smile and started to talk to us. Charo and her cousin Alberto chatted with them while I walked towards the faucet to go for a drink and listened to the conversation. The water is refreshing especially during the heat of the summer. Then, we continued on and followed the aguallueve trail.
When we reached aguallueve, a natural wonder in this village, where cold water drips and goes to the natural pond. We took a refreshing shower and also went into the small caves and discover what a natural wonder of this place has. Then, we continued on taking the trail, which took us the shaded area of aguallueve. We passed through trees that stretched out to find light; trees that are covered with poison ivy. We also stopped by the orchards around to see what they were cultivating. Then, in no time, we reached the tourist info office.
We also went back to chruch and went into the porticoe
Visitamos Anento no verão do ano passado e, desde então, mantivemos de ida e volta. Primeiro, visitamos Aguallueve, que é apenas alguns quilômetros e, ao ver a água pingando, tornou-se um paraíso para nós - um oásis - do mundo exterior. Os bosques no caminho de volta para o centro apenas nos afugentaram. As árvores altas que surgiram para obter luz. Os pomares ao lado dele. Quando pudemos chegar ao centro, tivemos a oportunidade de visitar a igreja que tem uma peça de arte gothich bem preservada que remonta ao século XV. Este verão tivemos a oportunidade de visitá-lo ganhar com a festa de San Roque. Foi um deleite para eu estar lá para ouvir suas canções tradicionais. Tivemos uma chance neste verão de caminhar o cânion de Alquelay e fizemos uma parada em Báguena para ter um sanduíche antes de voltar para Anento novamente.
